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Graduated in History and Philosophy, in the early years of her carrer she performed above all Baroque and classic repertoire; later she developed a particular interest for 900th Century and Contemporary repertoire that gave her the chance to explore the human voice in relation with multiple languages, from acting to opera singing, through different levels of expression. She sang in Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan (Suntory Hall, Tokio), USA, Brazil. In 2004 she was invited by Sylvano Bussotti to perform the main character in "La passion selon Sade" (Teatro de la Zarzuela, Madrid) under the direction of Arturo Tamayo. In 2007 Bussotti wrote a piece for her in the opera "Silvano-Sylvano" (Accademia Santa Cecilia, Roma) and in 2008 for "Rara Film" (Bologna). After a long experience in musical theater, she made her debut as actress in Beckett's "Non io" monologue, directed by Giancarlo Cauteruccio (Premio Critici Italiani 2006). In those last years she performed "Acustica", "Pas de Cinq" and "Der Turm zu Babel" (Mauricio Kagel); "Come una ola de fuerza y luz" (Luigi Nono)," Pierrot Lunaire" (Arnold Schönberg); sever vocal pieces by John Cage and "Les marteaux sans maître" (Pierre Boulez). She recorded for Arts, Materiali Sonori, Nuova Era, Sam Classic, ARC Edition, Ema Records, Sheva Collection.

Photo by Giovanni Del Brenna
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